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1921 census Canada lookup please

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mgnv Report 19 Apr 2015 23:41

Re "Also maybe he ended up attached to the NZ force during or near the end of the war if his rest or corp got wiped out?"

No, it didn't work like that. E.g., Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry was attached for a year to the British 27th division, but the PPCLI was never considered other than a Canadian battalion; the divisional artillery of the 3rd (Lahore) division was attached to the 3rd Can Div for 7m, but was never considered other than an Indian unit.

Normally, an infantry bigade consisted of 4 battalions (of abt 1200 men each at nominal strength) plus a trench mortar battery. A division had 3 bdes, and a corps two or more divisions. The Canadian Corps had 4 divs by war's end, and the ANZACs 3 each (the NZ div was in II ANZAC). British Corps were difft: they had corps fixed geographically on the western front, and divisions rotated into and out of corps.

In Feb 1918, replacement shortage caused the Brits to reduce bdes to 3 bns each, with one bn being broken up to provide replacements to surviving bns. The Canadians and ANZACs did not do this, so their corps became the most powerful units on the British side, and spearheaded all the major offensives in 1918.
In Canada's case, conscription didn't kick in until the latter half of 1918, so a nearly complete 5th div was broken up for replacements.


Dawn Report 19 Apr 2015 12:53

Thank you .mgnv I said maybe he went to NZ and joined their forces? As I can't find him on the 1911 census. I did a quick check of the military records the index and did see several Arthur Greeners but couldn't check them.
Also maybe he ended up attached to the NZ force during or near the end of the war if his rest or corp got wiped out?n
I live in NZ so will check on the website for veterans and see if he is in it.
I have another ancestor who went to Australia before WW1 and was drafted into their army, but ended up back in England after the war ended, he didn't go back.


mgnv Report 19 Apr 2015 06:04

I presume he was in NZ.

I know nothing abt NZ armed forces. I do know one could enlist in the Canadian army in London - Canada paid more than UK - but the only examples I've seen of London enlistments had substantial ties to Canada.


mgnv Report 18 Apr 2015 15:07

It's the back of form 30A - for some reason, the back's filmed before the front - note the URLs of the two sides only differ in the last digit (implying they're related).


Dawn Report 18 Apr 2015 09:46

Hi mgnv. Thanks for the images, that one that just had the NZ force where did that come from? Was it attached to the arrival in Canada for Arthur Greener?
If so its news to me! Mind you I couldn't find him on the 1911 census so if it is attached seems a strange thing to be attached to an arrival! And why the NZ force?

I know his brother was in the the British army I have his army papers but haven't seen anything to do with Arthur
Another line to delve into!


mgnv Report 18 Apr 2015 07:37

LAC image:
Title: Ocean Arrivals, Form 30A, 1919-1924
Mikan Number: 161349
Microform: t-15045
Page Navigation: (5136 pages) >>
[Note - he says he served with kiwis WW1]

LAC Elsie 1925:
Title: Passenger Lists: Quebec City (1925-1935)
Mikan Number: 134839
Microform: t-14717
Page Navigation: (630 pages) >>


mgnv Report 18 Apr 2015 07:37

LAC image:
Title: Ocean Arrivals, Form 30A, 1919-1924
Mikan Number: 161349
Microform: t-15045
Page Navigation: (5136 pages) >>
[Note - he says he served with kiwis WW1]

LAC Elsie 1925:
Title: Passenger Lists: Quebec City (1925-1935)
Mikan Number: 134839
Microform: t-14717
Page Navigation: (630 pages) >>


Dawn Report 17 Apr 2015 13:31

Yes margee Florence was his youngest sister and where I suspect he returned to in 1933
Also thinking that maybe he was friends with Donald and so was invited to go over to Canada by him? Also the reason he put her as his sister was because you had to have family to go to? And obviously Donald didn't have the same name?
Why he went for just 10 years? He was only 52 so not retirement age.
I had thought he had gone to Canada after finding him returning in 1933 before 1911 as I haven't found him on the 1911 census and his mother had died in 1907. But then found the arrivals in Canada for 1922?
More intrigue for this family!


Dawn Report 17 Apr 2015 13:08

Also thank you mgnv for the census link :-)


Dawn Report 17 Apr 2015 13:04

Wow thank you, this has opened a can of worms! The greener family returned to pembury which is just by Tunbridge wells in dec 1881 from Ireland. There has been a BIG mystery in this family!
The father was George Greener and he had left the family by the 1891 census, two stories he had gone overseas with the army this has been discounted especially as I found a story in the papers in 1888. He had been a porter at the workhouse story was he left with a woman from the place.
The story in the paper didn't say anything about a woman just quoted the letter he had written that he had had enough as was "going" over the sea never to be seen again!
I have never found this Georges birth although he put on his army papers that he was born in pembury and his father was George Greener. Am thinking he was illegitimate so registered under his mothers name
When I found Arthur (his son) going to Canada in 1922 and saying it's his sister wondered if George had had another child?
Arthur returned in 1933 to Pembury single and died possibly in the house of his married sister either mid 50's or early 60's
Thank you so much for this and for the image will have to digest it all

Just had a thought I wonder if Elsie was his daughter? Since she was born in 1911.

Although I have never found Arthur on the 1911 census, he was on the 1901 with his mother and 3 siblings, his mother died in 1907 and after seeing the return from Canada wondered if he had left for Canada before 1911, but then found him leaving and arriving in Canada in 1922!
Thanks so much again!


MargaretM Report 17 Apr 2015 12:40

I see on Arthur Greener's arrival in Canada he gives name of nearest relative at home as another sister Mrs. Valentine, High St., Pembury, Kent. Could this be her?

Marriages Mar 1914 (>99%)

Greener Florence Valentine Tonbridge 2a 1252
Valentine George Greener Tonbridge 2a 1252


MargaretM Report 17 Apr 2015 12:30

Elsie's parents' marriage? Tunbridge district covers Southborough.

Marriages Mar 1888 (>99%)
Clarke Alice Tunbridge 2a 793
RIDGE William Walter Tunbridge 2a 793


MargaretM Report 17 Apr 2015 12:23

Marriage of Donald & Elsie?

Marriages Dec 1918 (>99%)

McLennan Donald Ridge Bromley 2a 1354
Ridge Jeanette E A McLennan Bromley 2a 1354

And Elsie in 1911?

Elsie Jeanetta Alma Ridge

in the 1911 England Census
Record Image View

View Map

Name: Elsie Jeanetta Alma Ridge
Age in 1911: 10
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1901
Relation to Head: Daughter (Child)
Gender: Female
Birth Place: Southborough
Civil Parish: Southborough
County/Island: Kent
Country: England
Street address: 42 Springfield Road, Southborough
Occupation: school
Registration district: Tonbridge
Registration District Number: 50
Sub-registration district: Tunbridge Wells
ED, institution, or vessel: 32
Household schedule number: 15
Piece: 4071
Household Members:
Name Age
William Walter Ridge 56
Alice Ridge 54
William Walter Ridge 28
Ernest Henry Ridge 18
Charles Edgar Ridge 14
Elsie Jeanetta Alma Ridge 10

But how could she be a sister of Arthur Greener?


MargaretM Report 17 Apr 2015 12:05

This is Elsie and children returning to Canada after a visit to England.

Elsie McLennan

in the Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935
Record Image View

Name: Elsie McLennan
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Birth Year: abt 1900
Birth Country: England
Date of Arrival: 7 Aug 1925
Vessel: Doric
Search Ship Database: Search for the Doric in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database
Port of Arrival: Quebec, Canada
Port of Departure: Liverpool, England

She was born Southborough, Gt. Britain. She's with children Donald, 4 and Margaret, 3 , both born Port Arthur. Her husband was Mr. D. McLennan, 117 Crown St., Port Arthur. Had been to visit her mother Mrs. Ridge, 43 Springfield Rd., Southborough, Kent.


mgnv Report 17 Apr 2015 11:54

Anyone can search 1921 and get images, transcriptions for free, but only via:
[Don't let Ancestry bounce you to another of their sites]


LindainHerriotCountry Report 17 Apr 2015 10:48

Image is Crown St

Name: Donald Mc Lennan
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Age: 34
Birth Year: abt 1887
Birth Place: Scotland
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Elsie Mc Lennan
Father Birth Place: Scotland
Mother Birth Place: Scotland
Year of Immigration: 1918
Racial or Tribal Origin: Scotch (Scotish)
Province or Territory: Ontario
District: Port Arthur and Kenora
District Number: 120
Sub-District: Port Arthur City - Second Ward
Sub-District Number: 20
City, Town or Village: Port Arthur
Street or Township: 117 Brown St
Municipality: Ward 2
Occupation: Grain Sampler
Income: 1567
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Donald Mc Lennan 34
Elsie Mc Lennan 20
Donald Mc Lennan 1
Margaret Mc Lennan 2/12


LindainHerriotCountry Report 17 Apr 2015 10:38

After much trawling, I found them, I have sent the image to yo


Dawn Report 17 Apr 2015 09:55

Hi thank you for your answer I don't think this is the people I am looking for. My ancestorArthur Greener who arrived early May in 1922 the place and person he was going to was D McLerman 117 Crown St Pt Arthur and put as his sister.........which is debatable! However the name could be McLeunan? Not easy to decipher
This couple were from Scotland and this man and family were Kent although he was born in Ireland as his father was there in the army.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 17 Apr 2015 09:42

Name: Donald McLerman
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Age: 67
Birth Year: abt 1854
Birth Place: Scotland
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Mary McLerman
Father Birth Place: Scotland
Mother Birth Place: Scotland
Year of Immigration: 1857
Racial or Tribal Origin: Scotch (Scotish)
Province or Territory: Ontario
District: Port Arthur and Kenora
District Number: 120
Sub-District: Port Arthur City - Third Ward
Sub-District Number: 24
City, Town or Village: Port Arthur
Street or Township: 29 Knight St
Municipality: Ward 3
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Donald McLerman 67
Mary McLerman 71

original hard to read, I cant read his occupation

Name: Mary McLerman
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Age: 71
Birth Year: abt 1850
Birth Place: Ontario
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Spouse's Name: Donald McLerman
Father Birth Place: Ireland
Mother Birth Place: Ireland
Racial or Tribal Origin: Irish
Province or Territory: Ontario
District: Port Arthur and Kenora
District Number: 120
Sub-District: Port Arthur City - Third Ward
Sub-District Number: 24
City, Town or Village: Port Arthur
Street or Township: 29 Knight St
Municipality: Ward 3
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Donald McLerman 67
Mary McLerman 71


Dawn Report 17 Apr 2015 09:33

I have a Donald and Mary McLerman born 1850 and 1854 Port Arthur and Kenora Ontario would like to know all the information please.
I have an ancestor going to a D McLerman in 1922 in port Arthur and am trying to find out if these are the people he went to.
Many thanks