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joysie4 Report 26 Mar 2015 14:24

Do I have to delete gedcom before adding a new one as Ive made a few mistakes


ArgyllGran Report 26 Mar 2015 15:20

Which website/programme do you want to import the Gedcom to?

If it's GR, this is what it says in their FAQ pages:

"Importing Gedcoms

To load your file onto the site, click on the Family Tree button at the top of your homepage, then select Import Gedcom from the drop-down menu. This will take you to the import gedcom page. The site will add and update relations in your tree from information exactly as it is stored in your Gedcom file. If you upload your Gedcom file and the data is not displayed as expected in your tree then normally this is a result of a corrupted Gedcom file. We suggest that you open up the file with your family tree software programme and check the data. Please also make sure that the family tree is correctly exported as a standard Gedcom.

It is not necessary to remove your tree to allow an upload, but you can only upload one Gedcom per registration. If you import a file for one branch of your family and then import a second file, the first one will be automatically deleted and it is not possible to retrieve the data."

So, no, you don't have to delete the first one, as it will be deleted automatically when you upload the new one.

Alternatively, you could just make corrections to the existing one.


joysie4 Report 26 Mar 2015 16:06


Thanks for explaining I did as you said but it never worked I originally put the gedcom on years ago but I seem to be adding new partners lately with the wrong children so how can I delete them


ArgyllGran Report 26 Mar 2015 16:25

If uploading a new Gedcom on GR hasn't worked, you're best to email


and explain the problem to them.

To delete people from you GR tree, go to Immediate Family view.
Click on the person's name, and you'll see the options of Add, Edit, or Delete.
Click Delete.
You might have to also delete other members of their families, but if so, the screen will indicate if that's necessary when you try to delete the person.