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Family Tree 2014

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joysie4 Report 21 Mar 2015 15:17

My son called round and sorted my tree out for me he makes it so easy but never tells me what hes does but he saved it on a memory stick now :-D


joysie4 Report 19 Mar 2015 22:26

Thank you both for all your advice I have copied this information off so I can do what you suggest


ArgyllGran Report 19 Mar 2015 22:16

Sorry, I can't help with this after all.
I have no experience of FTM.


Kense Report 19 Mar 2015 21:30

If you are using a memory stick then it looks like you need to select writable storage and specify the directory name with the drive letter. Then it should back up directly onto the stick.


Kense Report 19 Mar 2015 21:19

I hope someone else can give some advice as I am not familiar with the old FTM.

It is important to treat one of the trees as a master and update the others from it. Otherwise it involves a lot of extra tree maintenance.

The situation I favour is to have a master tree on Ancestry which I synch to FTM on my PC which thus acts as a backup. From time to time I create a GEDCOM which I use to update my Genes tree.


joysie4 Report 19 Mar 2015 21:16

I dont know I thought it was the other way round

my son put the 2014 disk on the pc he never for the laptop

how can I back up to a memory stick as it doesnt state this on my F.T

A list comes up
writable storage
internet storage
working directories
custom directories

Ive started adding manually but I got fed up after adding so many ancesters


Kense Report 19 Mar 2015 21:00

I am sorry to keep asking questions.

Is your PC able to read files from the laptop. Are they in a workgroup with shared files? If so you should be able to import it directly to the PC FTM2014.

Does the licencing of FTM2014 allow you to load it onto the laptop as well as the PC?
If so you should be able to put it on the laptop and import the FTM2006 tree diectly to FTM2014 on the laptop.

Then backup the FTM2014 tree to a memory stick and transfer that backup file to the PC and restore it as your PC tree.

The Genes tree has to be input via GEDCOM and there are often slight incompatibilities between GEDCOMs produced by different programs. It is not unusual for that process to gain and lose a few people on a tree.


joysie4 Report 19 Mar 2015 20:16

No I have F.T 2006 on my laptop and F.T 2014 on my pc

I have a gedcom on genes reunited yes I can view it with pc and laptop

yes they are both connected to the internet

yes missing people are from the pc 2014 F.T

I was just going to add them manually as I think this is the only way

Also how can I save my tree in future ??

Thank you for your reply


Kense Report 19 Mar 2015 19:43

It is still not clear what the situation is Joyce.

It sounds like you have a tree on your laptop held in Family Tree Maker 2014.

Presumably you have made a GEDCOM from that and transferred it to your Genes tree. I take it you can view your Genes tree from either your PC or your laptop.

Is the laptop connected to the internet?

You now find that some people are missing from your tree. Is that the tree on Genes or on FTM2014?


joysie4 Report 19 Mar 2015 16:54

on family tree 2014

I have it on genes

I have the full tree on my laptop

on my pc some of the ancesters are missing since I added new people the other day and I cant find were they went how did they vanish anyhow

I hope this makes sence


ArgyllGran Report 19 Mar 2015 15:43

Where do you have your tree at present, Joyce?

Where are you wanting to transfer it to?

If it's on GR, you can save it as a GEDCOM file on either PC, laptop, or memory stick, but then you'd have to upload it to another family tree website or programme.

I'm not clear about what you're wanting to do - can you explain more, please?


joysie4 Report 19 Mar 2015 13:39

I added new names to my tree non my pc my 4th grt grandparents are missing so is their ancesters

or can I put the tree onto a memory stick from my laptop and transfer it over to my pc

any advice welcomed :-S