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I have Wembley St John CD

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ArgyllGran Report 4 May 2015 10:36

I don't see anyone with those details in 1881, either.
Perhaps Akers was a married surname?

Chrissy, please start a new thread of your own if you would like us to follow this up.
Eames's thread is not about Kathleen, and we don't want to clutter it up with irrelevant stuff.

Oh, I see you had already done so, on Genealogy Chat:


Jacqueline Report 4 May 2015 10:14


Look for her in's FREE on familysearch website

Or get a copy of her marriage cert, for father's details

I don't think church records for Wembley will help you with someone born in Holborn

BTW, there is no record of the birth as per your info. In fact, NO birth for the name before 1888.......ANYWHERE


ArgyllGran Report 4 May 2015 09:59

Hi, Chrissy -

It's 6 years since Eames/TinMiddlesex posted that, so she's most likely not looking for replies here now.

You can try sending her a personal message - click on her name at the top of the post.
If she still has the same email address, GR will notify her that she has a message from you.

If you would like the helpers on this board to try to find info on Kathleen Akers, please start a new thread of your own, and give us as much info as you have, so that we don't duplicate research.


Christine Report 4 May 2015 09:46

I am looking for info on a Kathleen Akers born 1878 in Holborn.. She married an Austrian eventually. Any news greatfully recieved,ie; parents, Siblings
Kind Regards


Eames Report 27 Feb 2009 13:07

For the years 1887, 1890, 1891 & 1893

The index for Wembley (St. John's) contains basic details of people-related events described in the monthly parish magazines published in 1887, 1890, 1891 & 1893, including Baptisms (including names of parents), Marriages, Burials (including age at death), Donations, Prizes (School, Sunday School), Adverts, and Miscellaneous records. Baptism, Marriage and burial records also give details of whether resident in Wembley, Alperton, Sudbury, or elsewhere. There are over 1,250 name references in the index.

The following surnames are listed in this index :-

Abigail Adams Ager Akers Allen Allum Ambridge Ambrose Andrewes Arthy Atkinson Austin Avila Back Bacon Badby Bailess Bailey Baines Balgarnie Bantoft Barham Barnes Barnett Bartlett Bates Bayes Bayman Beaumont Beckley Benson Biggs Bilham Blackmore Bolingbroke Bone Bowden Bowder Bowler Braddick Brakespear Brakspear Brazier Brightwen Brightwin Britton Brookes Brooks Brown Bullock Bundock Bunn Burch Burling Burrows Busby Butler Buttle Cadman Cady Calton Carlyon Carpenter Carver Challen Chambers Chaplin Chapman Choice Clarke Clayton Cleveland Cockburn Coles Collard Collier Collis Conway Cook Cooke Cooper Copland Copland-Crawford Cornwell Coutts Cowell Cowley Cox Crawford Creamer Cremer Crick Curtis Cutler Dalgleish Daniell D'Arcy Davidge Davies Davis Davy Day DeCobain Dear Dell Denton Dickson Digby Dive Doble Dodd Doe Duffield Eames Easy Eden Edis Edwards Eldred Emerton Enston Everton Eyre Farmborough Fazackerley Field Fisher Foreman Fowler Francis Franklin Freeman Frim Fruin Gainn Gamman Gates Gaubert Gaubert Geaves George Giles Gladding Goddard Godfrey Gollmer Goodwin Goss Gostick Gostling Gray Green Greenaway Greenhill Gregory Griffiths Grimmett Groom Groves Grubb Guerney Gunston Gurney Hall Hallett Hamp Hampshire Hanwell Harding Hardwick Hargraves Hargreaves Harris Hartland Harwood Haslam Haverfield Hawkins Hayes Haynes Hayter Hazel Heale Hearn Heath Herbert Hertford Hewett Hewitt Hill Hoare Holland Holt Honour Horshem Horsman Hough Howell Hoyte Huchinson Hughes Hurcomb Hyslop Jackson Jarratt Jay Johnston Jones Judd Keays Kerr Kilby Kilroy King Kirby Knox Land Lane Langley Lawrence Layton Leete Lefley Liete Lintern Lloyd Loughton Lovejoy Lowen Lude Luff Lyon Malins Manning Martin Martindale Massey Maund Maynard McLaskey Meens Meer Menzies Merrick Mickleborough Mickleburgh Middleton Midson Millbanks Miller Mitchell-Carruthers Monument Moody Moore Morrell Moss Mountjoy Mullins Munns Newton Nind Norris North Oates Ogbourne Osborne Ostle Owen Padfield Parker Parmenter Paul Pearce Peplar Perkin Perkins Philpot Pike Plank Poole Precious Price Puddephatt Quelch Rand Rands Ravenhill Read Reynolds Richards Richardson Richmond Rickard Riley Roast Roberts Rolfe Rollins Rolph Romsey Roxby Rudkin Sanders Sellers Sellwood Sevill Sewell Sharp Shelley Shepherd Sheppee Sherrell Sibley Silwood Simmons Sims Sivell Skelton Smith Sneezum Snow Spearey Squire Stait Stanton Steel Stocken Stockton Stokes Stone Strother Taunton Taylor Thomas Thorogood Tilbury Tillyard Tims Tompkins Townsend Tussler Tyler Uff Underwood Vicajee Vincent Wade Wadnow Walden Walker Wall Wallace Walter Walton Warden Waring Warren Waterloo Waterlow Watson Weaver Webb Weevil Wells Westbrook Whelan Whitcombe White Wilkes Wilkins Wilkinson Williams Williamson Willis Wills Wilson Wingfield Winter Woodroffe Woolley Wooton Wybourn Yeabsley Yeetman Yeoman Young