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Trying to find Blakemore

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Vera Report 8 Feb 2005 15:28

Vera Coombs I am trying to find any relations of my grandfather William Henry Blakemore born in Stourbridge. Sister's Emily 1887. Mary Jane 1892, Mabel 1896. Clare Victoria 1899. His father was Thomas Blakemore b 1860 born Cradley Wolverhampton. His Mother name Elizabeth Hart born Lye Worcestershire. At the time of my Grandfather's (William Henry Blakemore) marriage to Alice Maud Powell in 1914 they were living in Aston Birmingham, until 1926 when they moved to Brighton Sussex. Anyone know of William Blakemore b 1836 Old Swinford Wocestershire. Married Emma Sarah Hingley. occ Wheelwright His brothers Thomas Blakemore 1837 Josiah Blakemore 1839 born Cradley Wocestershire and sister Mary Ann Blakemore 1840 Cradley Wocestershire Their Parents Thomas Blakemore born around 1811 occupation Wheelwright. married Mary Ann Welch Anyone know of this family please get in touch


Raymond Report 22 Sep 2007 16:22

I have a grand mother Ethel Blakemore born Walsall around 1891

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 5 Jan 2017 13:39


The posting you are responding to is almost 12 years old and it's very unlikely that Vera will be looking for any replies now

You could try to make contact by clicking on her name and sending a message