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Trying to find Andrewartha

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Derrick Report 24 Feb 2007 17:15

I am trying to find more information regarding John Andrewartha who is recorded on the UK 1841 census as being age 55, Copper Miner, in the parish of St. Hilary, Cornwall, and has a wife named Anna age 50 on the same census record. I believe that they are ancestors of my wife.


Twiglets Report 24 Nov 2007 11:26

The only Andrewartha, i have in my Family tree is Elizabeth, who married James Freethy who's a brother of my ancestor John Freethy.


David Report 24 Nov 2007 11:37

IGI has 3 records concerning a John Andrewartha c1785 +/- 5 years.

One a marriage to Anne Jones in1805 and the others:

JOHN ANDRAWARTHA Male Christening: 18 MAY 1788 Breage, Cornwall parents Richard and Rebecca.

JOHN ANDRAWARTHA Male Christening: 26 OCT 1783 Germoe, Cornwall parents Richard and Susanna.

St Hilary, (Cornish: Gorlynn), is situated in the Deanery and Hundred of Penwith. It is bounded on the north by the parish of St Erth, on the east by Breage and Germoe.



Elizabeth Report 28 Sep 2015 00:23

I have a John Andrewartha bapt 10 May 1785 Phillack Cornwall on my Andrewartha tree.

Day Month10-May
Parish Or Reg DistrictPhillack
Father ForenameRichard
Mother ForenameRebecca
Father Rank Profession
Transcriber Notes
John Smith

Wife:In 1841 Guilford, Cornwall
Ann Andrawarthe60 Labourer
Ama Andrawarthe Jr22 Labourer (should be Ann)
Mary Andrawarthe25 Labourer

Parents: Richard Andrewartha 1755 - 1822 b. Gwithian & Rececca Lobb 1756 - 1828
of Helston. Both died Angarrick Cornwall. m.29 Jun 1782.

I have taken this branch back another 7 generatiions.

I have joined up over 1,000 Andrewartha names and would be interested in adding more descendants to this line, as they currently stop with 5 children born in Gwinear, Cornwall between 1808 & 1821.



SylviaInCanada Report 28 Sep 2015 00:33

Elizabeth ................

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